Previous achievement – Climate Targets 2015-2020

Now we raise the ambition with our science-based targets and go for net-zero emission by 2040. This is the next step on climate action, building on a our previous targets. At year-end 2020, we concluded our climate targets 2015-2020 covering production, freight transports and product use-phase.



Implement energy savings that from 2020 save 150 GWh per year.

Target achieved

Target achieved

During  2015-2020, 1,260 activities have been implemented, that together save 207 GWh per year from 2020.

This efficiency target remains as an enabler to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions and between 2021-2025 the aim is to implement energy savings that from 2025 save 150 GWh per year.



Reduce freight CO2 emissions per Produced unit by 20%.

Target achieved

Target achieved

Freight emissions per produced unit were 24% lower in 2020 compared to the baseline 2013.

This target has been strengthened beyond 2021 and the aim now, as part of reducing scope 3 emissions from logistics and distribution to, is the reduce freight CO2 emissions per produced unit by 30% by 2025 from baseline 2018.



Achieve life cycle CO2 emissions savings from products of at least 40 million tons cumulative.

Target achieved

Target achieved

An estimated 43 million tons of CO2 emissions have been saved 2015 to 2020.

This target has been replace by our new science-based targets for scope 3, category 11, use of sold products as described above.

Earlier work – the WWF’s Climate Savers program

We were the first company in our industry to enter the WWF’s Climate Savers program in 2010.

Climate Savers is WWF’s leadership program with the objective to recognize corporate leadership on climate solutions. It includes WWF's partners with ambitious strategies to develop net-zero business models and demonstrate that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can go hand in hand with economic growth.


WWF’s Climate Savers program

Our magnifiers

As part of the WWF Climate Savers, we also set out to magnify our commitment by advocating and driving solutions for net-zero emissions in our industry and throughout the value chain. During 2015-2020, we drove 14 initiatives – magnifiers - to promote energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and positively influence the value chain. At year-end 2020, we concluded that all have been finalized and moving ahead with our science-based targets we can see that the initiatives below were critical to get to where we are today.

 Summary of our 14 magnifiers for climate action:

  • Co-chaired the Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport together with the United Nations Secretary-General.  In 2014, the UN announced the membership of a High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport to provide recommendations on sustainable transport actionable at global, national, local and sector levels. 
  •  ElectriCity – started a bus line in Gothenburg operating with fully electric buses and electric hybrid buses.
  • Hosted the Construction Climate Challenge (CCC) that aims to promote sustainability throughout the entire construction industry value chain and provide funding for environmental research.
  • Optimized customer site by developing a supporting tool to improve efficiency for a whole construction site. See Electric Site.
  • Industry Standardization leadership; Participated in the International Standardization Organization’s work to develop a standard for machine fuel efficiency within the construction equipment industry.
  • Developed advanced technology development and through field-tests demonstrated technologies with considerably better fuel efficiency improvements.
  • Supplier Environmental Awareness through cooperation with suppliers to improve their climate change strategy.
  • Use of renewable energy. Volvo Group has participated in two of WWF initiatives; Corporate renewable energy buyer principle and Biofuels roundtable. In 2020, 52% of the energy sourced to Volvo Group globally comes from renewable sources.
  • We are continuously investigating roadmaps towards renewable energy in Asia and switched a significant share of our energy usage at our sites in Hoskote and Peenya outside Bengaluru, India to solar.
  • Demonstrated new advanced technology for trucks in prototypes. Now we electrify our entire European range of trucks in all segment.
  • Volvo Group has increased sales of fuel saving devices. The new I-Save can help customers to improve fuel efficiency by up to 10%.
  • Developed a prototype engine application with hybrid technology for off-road applications.
  • Increased use of IPS for Marine Commercial applications. Developed IPS technology so it can be used for more applications which will save fuel.
  • Started up a City Mobility concept in at least five cities.

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Fossil free transport solutions

Read more about our products environmental footprint and performance.


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Environmental footprint from operations

Read more about our operations environmental footprint and performance.

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GRI Report

Sustainability reporting is included in our Annual and Sustainability Report. In our GRI Index we disclose the specific economic, environmental and social sustainability topics that are material to the Volvo Group.

Download the GRI-report Format PDF Size 114 KB