Analyst coverage

The following external analysts continuously publish reports on AB Volvo. 


CompanyName of analyst
ABG Sundal CollierKarl Bokvist
BarclaysErwann Dagorne
CarnegieHenrik Christiansson
CitigroupKlas Bergelind
Danske BankBjörn Enarson
Deutsche Bank AGNicolai Kempf
DNBMattias Holmberg
Exane BNP ParibasMiguel Borrega
Goldman SachsDaniela Costa
HandelsbankenHampus Engellau
HSBCJonathan Day 
J.P. MorganJose Asumendi
JefferiesMichael Aspinall
Kepler Cheuvreux Mats Liss
Morgan StanleyShaqeal A. Kirunda   
NordeaAgnieszka Viela
Oddo Securities   Anthony Dick
Pareto Securities ABForbes Goldman
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)Nick Housden 
SEBErik Golrang
StifelAlexander Wahl
UBSHemal Bhundia

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