Partnerships and policy

Volvo Group continuously interact with stakeholders to exchange views and help inform the debate. We are determined to fulfil our commitments to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and to lead our industry in the transformation towards net-zero.

To reach our ambitions we collaborate in cross-sectorial partnerships and participate in selected initiatives and trade associations.


Partnerships and collaborations are more important than ever. To progress carbon neutral transportation Volvo Group has decided to join a selected number of highly relevant and important initiatives for the industry, such as: 

  • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) – a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the WWF. The purpose is to provide technical assistance and expert resources to companies who set science-based targets in line with the latest climate science.
  • Race to Zero – With our commitment to the 1.5 Business Ambition in the SBTi, we also join this United Nations global campaign for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
  • First Movers Coalition – a new platform for companies to utilize their purchasing power to create market demand for low carbon technologies. Volvo has signed this as a founding member.
  • Call on Carbon – a collaboration where Business leaders urge governments to ramp up carbon pricing.
  • H2Accelerate – an industry collaboration focusing on creating the conditions for the mass-market roll-out of hydrogen trucks in Europe.
  • Energy Transition Commission – a global coalition from across the energy landscape committed to achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century.
  • The Global Battery Alliance – a public-private collaboration platform working to help establish a sustainable battery value chain.
  • Responsible Minerals Initiative – a broad industry collaborative platform addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in global supply chains. Develop and provide tools and resources to make sourcing decisions that improve regulatory compliance.


Guiding principles

Volvo Group's advocacy efforts are based on guiding principles, set by the Volvo Group Executive Board, supporting a horizontal and vertical system approach to secure a policy landscape that is;

  1. In line with the Paris Climate Agreement
  2. Based on level playing field via fair and free trade
  3. Supporting technology neutrality and global standards
  4. Securing long term prerequisites for clarity and predictability.


Volvo Group wants to be involved in political and public opinion-forming processes as a trustworthy and reliable discussion partner. In this respect, the overriding objective is to take on social responsibility and over the long term to reconcile corporate and social interests.


We have set  targets with the ambition of 100% fossil fuel free vehicles from 2040. 

Political framework conditions, a positive investment environment and financial support tools for new and innovative technologies are important foundations for this ambitious goal. Our aim is to have dialogues helping to shape sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions and to jointly shape the future of transportation, thus we are actively trying to improve several regulations related to geopolitical, trade, environmental and climate matters. The focus areas are primarily :

Geopolitical implications

Assess the rapid and challenging Geopolitical development to provide policy and regulatory foresight for the Volvo Group with respect to;

  • Security and defense
  • Energy and energy infrastructure
  •  Critical raw materials and components
  • Digital infrastructure and information control
  • Trade


Providing the Volvo Group with harmonized and consistent positions to guide our business areas and markets as well as enabling a strong industry voice.


Influence the political landscape driving sustainable economic growth closely linked to global, regional and local markets and advocate for policies supporting;

  • Simplified regulatory landscape and global vehicle standards.
  • Innovation and business development through fair and balanced governance.
  • Simple and predictable state aid rules supporting market transition balancing geopolitical developments.


Promoting a competitive level playing field with limited administrative overhead and harmonized regulatory and policy frameworks. 


Drive policy development supporting the Volvo Group's decarbonization strategy deployment by advocating for;

  • Sustainable energy systems supporting market transition of both Volvo Group operations and customer needs.
  • Net zero energy supply and deployment of infrastructure for fuels and electricity, slightly ahead of anticipated market demand.
  • Simple, coordinated & predictable policy instruments across the transport & energy sectors, driving market uptake and low emission technologies.

Shaping the business enabling policies and regulations through a fact-based data driven system approach accelerating the net zero transition.


We also provide information on the type and scope of our lobbying activities in the EU Transparency Register and in the Lobby Register of the USA.

Link to US registers (Search “Volvo Group North America LCC”)


Trade associations

In addition to direct interaction with political decision-makers and other stakeholders, Volvo Group is also a member of several trade associations around the world. We believe these memberships are important and that they can provide significant benefits for our business and industry. Most of these associations cover a broad agenda however we seek to use our memberships to support the higher ambitions of the Paris Climate Agreement. 

With our Annual Report, we provide a list of memberships(PDF, 180 KB) (non exhaustive).

Memberships are held locally by Volvo Group’s Business Areas or country Management Teams in the Group’s main markets of operations. Memberships are evaluated yearly and confirmed that they are not working against the Paris Climate Agreement or international human rights standards.

In cases where a trade association deviates from Volvo Group’s positions, the first step is to initiate a dialogue with the trade association. Associations partially aligned are to over time either develop a position or change their position if needed. In case where a trade association would deviate significantly from Volvo Group’s positions, we will evaluate whether to end our membership.

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