Game changing innovation at Innovation Roundtable in Silicon Valley

The Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Lab hosted the Innovation Roundtable in collaboration with Plug and Play Tech Center on August 23rd and 24th. This event was attended by over 100 participants each day, offering insights and networking opportunities across industries.
Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Lab

The theme for the first day was Culture of Design Thinking & Innovation. Kevin Simmons, Senior Service Designer at Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Lab located in Silicon Valley (Hub335), gave a keynote talk. He talked about how Innovation Lab is utilizing design to effect organizational change, by designing beautiful relationships that create value for stakeholders and craft a learning culture to help drive service transformation.


The second day focused on Game changing Innovation with Startup Ecosystems. Adam Jansen, Principal Innovation Manager at Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Lab, also from the Silicon Valley office Hub335, spoke about the importance of open innovation and how Volvo Group is using its presence in Silicon Valley to plug in to the startup ecosystem to advance our digital transformation. Fredy Daza, Director Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Lab, also participated in a panel with startups and other large corporations, sharing experiences and best practices on how to co-create services and solutions, share best practices on what works and what doesn’t, and why these collaborations are important to each side of the equation.

Adam Jansen on stage
Fredy Daza on stage
Kevin Simmons on stage

Innovation Roundtable hosts events in conjunction with leading firms throughout Europe, the US (United States), and China. These events facilitate connection and knowledge-sharing amongst leaders in the innovation space, with keynote speakers and moderator-led discussions surrounding various innovation topics, helping companies to create even stronger foundations for innovation. This event marked the first ever Innovation Roundtable in Silicon Valley.


Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovation Labs is an active member of the ecosystem of startups, driving collaboration and partnerships for safe, sustainable, and efficient digital solutions and services for Volvo Group customers.  



To learn more about the innovation lab at Volvo Group, click here.  

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