New number of votes in AB Volvo

The number of votes in AB Volvo has changed due to the conversion of a total of 5 241 170 Series A shares to a total of 5 241 170 Series B shares. The conversions were implemented with the support of the opportunity for Series A shareholders to request conversion of Series A shares to Series B shares, which was entered in the Articles of Association at the 2011 Annual General Meeting.
Today, March 31, the last trading day of the month, there are a total of 2 128 420 220 registered shares in AB Volvo. Of these 514 057 383 are Series A shares and 1 614 362 837 Series B shares. The number of votes in the company amounts to 675 493 666,70 based on the number of registered shares.

March 31, 2014

Reporters who want more information, please contact Karin Wik, +46 765 53 10 20.


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