Truck deliveries in February 2014

Deliveries from the Volvo Group’s truck operations in February 2014 amounted to 15,689 vehicles. This was an increase of 28% compared with the year-earlier month.
Volvo Group
Total deliveries by market for all brands (Volvo, Mack, Renault Trucks, UD and Eicher):

Delivered UnitsFebruaryChangeYear-to dateChange
Volvo Group20142013                             20142013
Europe5 6544 93914%10 7379 31415%
    Western Europe4 2903 75714%8 2407 38012%
    Eastern Europe1 3641 18215%2 4971 93429%
North America3 8962 51955%8 0744 48180%
South America2 5051 90332%4 0853 51416%
Asia2 4061 82032%4 2633 64717%
Other markets1 2281 09113%2 1422 1072%
Total Volvo Group15 68912 27228%29 30123 06327%
Light duty (< 7t)9148409%1 5671 735-10%
Medium duty (7-16t)1 0351 241-17%2 0322 307-12%
Heavy duty (>16t)13 74010 19135%25 70219 02135%
Total Volvo Group15 68912 27228%29 30123 06327%
Non-consolidated operations
  Eicher (100%)2 2693 041-25%4 4136 250-29%
  DND (100%)29-78%230-93%
Total Volumes17 96015 32217%33 71629 34315%

For the full report, see attached PDF
Also visit Truck deliveries at >>

March 20, 2014

Reporters, who would like more information, please contact:

Media Relations
Volvo Group:
Karin Wik, +31 66 12 32

Truck brands:
Renault Trucks, Fabrice Piombo, +33 472961220
Mack, Kim Pupillo, +1 336 393 2640
Volvo, Anders Vilhelmsson, +46 31 322 38 79
UD, Per Sundström, +81 80 40 64 92 33

Investor Relations:
Christer Johansson, AB Volvo +46 31 661334
Patrik Stenberg, AB Volvo, +46 31 661336
Anders Christensson, AB Volvo, +46 31 661191
John Hartwell, Volvo Group North America, +1 201-252-8844


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