Seventh entry into the Volvo Ocean Race

The Green Team has confirmed it will be the seventh entry into the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009, and British sailor Ian Walker is named as skipper and the VO70 is already in build.
Volvo Ocean Race: Green Team
As skipper of the Green Team entry in the Volvo Ocean Race, Walker will oversee both the design and build programme along with crew selection.

“Everybody I have spoken to enthuses about these boats and this race. I have not looked forward to going sailing so much for a long time.”

The build of the Green Team Volvo Open 70 is underway at McConaghy Boats in China.

Glenn Bourke, CEO of the Volvo Ocean Race said: “It is fabulous to have another super-professional team skippered by an Olympic medallist entered in the race. After months of knowing about this team, it is wonderful that it is now formally announced.”

“We now have a fleet of seven boats, the same number as the previous iteration of the race, but higher still in calibre. We can never predict whether the numbers might increase, but with the possible postponement of the America’s Cup there are now a couple of possibilities.”

Read more at the Volvo Ocean Race website