Volvo Penta becomes a Tennessee pollution prevention partner

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation recognizes Volvo Penta for achieving Partner Level status in the Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership (TP3) environmental leadership program.
“This is a wonderful achievement for both Volvo Penta and its employees,” said Lori Munkeboe, director of the Office of Environmental Assistance, which manages the TP3 program.  “The company was able to eliminate a hazardous waste stream and save money by changing the kind of paint it uses in one of its processes.”

To achieve Partner Level status, TP3 program participants develop a five-project plan to help
prevent pollution of air, land, and water, while reducing waste and conserving natural resources.
The participant also completes one of the five projects in their plan and produces a success story describing the project.  When all five projects are complete and remaining criteria are met, the participant would be eligible to move up to Performer Level status.

“Environmental care in all operations is an integral part of Volvo Penta’s commitment to customers and end users, employees and the community,” said Dana Scates, environmental and safety officer for the company.  “We invest every year in new technology that boosts the performance of our products while also reducing the environmental impact of our processes.”

Volvo Penta’s first pollution prevention project resulted in the elimination of 10,000 pounds of hazardous material from being generated every year, saving about $50,000 per year in disposal costs. Read more about Volvo Penta success story on the TP3 Web site at:

The Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership is a statewide network of households, schools, government agencies, organizations, businesses and industries working together to prevent pollution. The Tennessee Pollution Prevention Roundtable, with assistance from the Department of Environment and Conservation, developed many of the guidelines for TP3. For more information on the Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership and a list of all participants, please visit

For further information, please contact Dana Scates, Volvo Penta, Lexington, Tennessee,
phone. +1 731 968 0151, E-mail: