Volvo Group partner in Swedish Artificial Intelligence centre

AI Innovation of Sweden is a new national centre to accelerate innovation and research in practical applied Artificial Intelligence, AI. Volvo Group is one of the partners.
Swedish Artificial Intelligence centre
Volvo Group partner in Swedish Artificial Intelligence centre

“AI is important for the Volvo Group and will be even more important in the coming years”, says CTO Lars Stenqvist who represented the company during the inauguration with among others the Swedish Minister for Energy and Digital Development, Anders Ygeman.

“For our self-driving vehicles, AI is a prerequisite but we will use AI in many parts of our business like in production and in logistics. And since data is a strong asset within AI, we will benefit a lot of our 850 000 connected vehicles. We use that data, and will do so even more, to support our customers.”

AI Innovation of Sweden is a national and neutral initiative which is intended to function as an engine in the Swedish AI ecosystem. The focus is on accelerating implementation of AI by means of sharing knowledge and data, co-location and collaboration projects, all with a strong focus on ethics, transparency and security.

Volvo Group partner in Swedish Artificial Intelligence centre

AI Innovation of Sweden establishes shared resources, for example the “Data Factory”, which will make data available in a new and unique way, and co-location sites with the aim of improving collaboration, knowledge-sharing and the ability to attract talent.

Over 40 organisations and companies - from the industrial and academic worlds and the public sector - have signed up so far, and more are expected.

“AI is wide and complex area”, says Lars Stenqvist. “As a partner our AI experts will contribute with their knowledge but we will at the same time get access to AI knowledge from this broad ecosystem of Swedish partners and from international experts that this centre will attract.”

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