How can AI shape future transport solutions?

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are growing fast as key enablers for future transport solutions.
How can AI shape future transport solutions?

Volvo Group uses a data-driven approach to harness the power of data for automation, prediction, and optimization in a wide range of applications. The demand for transportation solutions is constantly growing, while climate change and urban congestion push for automated, safer, cleaner, and more efficient future transport and infrastructure solutions. It’s exactly this kind of multifaceted challenge that data science and AI are perfect for. 

In this 55-minute replay of Volvo Group Live, guests will be shown how Robert Valton, Director Advanced Analytics and AI, and Nils Odebo Länk, Data Scientist, here at Volvo Group, demonstrate how data science can break down business risks and benefits, allowing a customer to electrify a fleet of trucks with confidence. You will also meet Hélène Panagopoulos, a recently appointed Data Scientist, and discover what it takes to thrive in that role. Watch the full replay by clicking on the play button below.

Watch the replay here

--------- Timecodes ---------
06:23 – 09:55 How does AI add business value?
·09:55 – 14:03 AI applied to electromobility
·14:03 – 40:00 Live Demo: can customer Freight-X electrify 10 trucks?
·40:00 – 42:04 Introducing Volvo Group AI Challenge
·42:04 – 51:16 Career opportunities working with Data at Volvo Group
·51:16 – 59:59 Questions & Answers

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