Volvo’s President and CEO receives the Healthy Leadership Promotion Award

Leif Johansson has received the “2007 Competence Award for Healthy Leadership Promotion”. He gets the award not least for his tireless efforts on behalf of health-promotion within Swedish work-life.

The jury’s motivation for giving the award to Leif Johansson is as follows: “Throughout his career he has tirelessly and systematically initiated health-promotion efforts within Swedish work-life, for instance through Sweden’s largest-ever health project, Lifestyle West (Livsstil i Väst), and the Healthy & Successful Companies (Friska Framgångsrika Företag) research project. He has also personally set a good example in spreading the concept of healthy leadership globally.”

“We aim to encourage the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. By living healthily, we feel better and of course healthy employees get more done at work. When it comes to promoting healthy living, there are only winners,” says Leif Johansson.

For the past five years now, the award has been presented at the Competence Gala sponsored by about ten Swedish companies. The aim is to present good examples within Swedish work-life and thus promote enthusiasm for competence enhancement in the sphere of health promotion.

The award was presented yesterday evening at a ceremony at the Competence Gala in Stockholm.
